Bushfire rebuild, recovery and resilience in the Bega Valley

Bega Valley Bushfire Rebuild and Business Navigation Communications Projects


Bega Valley Shire Council

Bega Valley, New South Wales

Client Engagement Team

The Bega Valley region experienced devastating bushfires between December 2019 and March 2020, resulting in extensive damage that destroyed thousands of buildings and significantly impacted local infrastructure.

Bega Valley Shire Council received funding under the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program to help individuals and businesses affected by the bushfires.

Our team is very proud to have been selected to provide strategic support and practical guidance to those navigating the planning and development approval processes, and to work with impacted businesses to develop case studies in local business recovery and resilience.

We are uniquely positioned to deliver this project with kindness and care having lived experience of the Black Summer Bushfires paired with accredited training in disaster recovery, community, and economic development.


Bega BFS - Eastwoods

Helping navigate successful recovery

NGH is working with Council’s Planning team to deliver information to help people navigate the planning process in the context of rebuilding from bushfires. We are developing a communication plan that will lead to a suite of products professionally developed, designed, and tested with the target audience to ensure it meets the needs of the applicants and council staff. Products may include a Building Back Bega Valley guide to understanding development approval to support bushfire recovery and a series of fact sheets on topics where information gaps occur.

Our team is also working with Council’s Economic Development Officer to develop inspiring case studies of local business recovery and resilience with a focus on diversification, innovation, and transition to a circular economy. They will uncover and capture uplifting stories that can be viewed, appreciated, and shared locally, nationally, and globally. We will also map business support services and grant funding opportunities that are available to businesses in the Shire and tailor them to be specific and relevant to businesses in the valley.

A lasting legacy

Bega Valley Shire Council chose NGH as the successful tenderer due to the depth of knowledge and experience of the project team, which spans local government planning, economic development, social research, community-led resilience, and strategic communications and engagement experience. The aim of the project is to provide practical, timely, and professional communication and engagement services that leave a lasting and valuable legacy for others.

Contact us to learn more about stakeholder engagement and communication.

Client Engagement Team

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