Aquatic and marine ecology

Assess, manage, and mitigate aquatic and marine ecology impacts for compliance and sustainable business.

NGH provides aquatic ecology services in diverse ecosystems throughout Australia – from the Great Barrier Reef world heritage region to New South Wales and Tasmania.

Our experienced aquatic ecologists are proficient in a range of industry-standard aquatic ecology surveys and techniques.

Aquatic ecology surveys consist of a range of scientific investigations including water quality, fish surveys, and benthic macroinvertebrate surveys aimed at determining the health of aquatic ecosystems.

NGH undertakes aquatic ecology surveys in accordance with relevant permits and licences.

Aquatic and marine ecology services

Marine and aquatic environments are an essential part of Australia’s national identity and have significant cultural, economic, and environmental value. They are often highly sensitive ecosystems with diverse flora and fauna, and they are subject to a range of regulations and guidelines designed to protect them.

Our ecologists study the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of freshwater ecosystems, and assesses the impacts of development and human activity on these environments to develop conservation and management plans. They employ various studies and methods such as waterway barrier works assessments, electrofishing and more.

NGH’s experienced marine and estuarine ecologists monitor the health of marine and estuarine ecosystems, conduct research on marine and estuarine organisms and their habitats, and advise policymakers and stakeholders on environmental policies and regulations.

What is a Receiving Environment Monitoring Program (REMP)?

REMP, or Receiving Environment Monitoring Program, is a monitoring program used to assess the impacts of human activities on the environment. REMPs are typically implemented by organisations, such as mining companies, industrial plants, or wastewater treatment plants, to monitor the quality of the surrounding environment and ensure that their operations are not causing harm to the local ecosystem.

REMP involves collecting and analysing samples of air, water, soil, and biota (plants and animals) from the surrounding environment on a regular basis. The data collected is then compared to established environmental standards and regulations to determine whether the company’s activities are having a negative impact on the environment.

Implementing a REMP program is important for organisations to maintain compliance with environmental regulations, ensure the sustainability of their operations, and minimise their environmental footprint.

What is a Receiving Environment Monitoring Program (REMP)?

REMP, or Receiving Environment Monitoring Program, is a monitoring program used to assess the impacts of human activities on the environment. REMPs are typically implemented by organisations, such as mining companies, industrial plants, or wastewater treatment plants, to monitor the quality of the surrounding environment and ensure that their operations are not causing harm to the local ecosystem.

REMP involves collecting and analysing samples of air, water, soil, and biota (plants and animals) from the surrounding environment on a regular basis. The data collected is then compared to established environmental standards and regulations to determine whether the company’s activities are having a negative impact on the environment.

Implementing a REMP program is important for organisations to maintain compliance with environmental regulations, ensure the sustainability of their operations, and minimise their environmental footprint.

Our latest projects and insights

We cover industry insights, news, career announcements, and project case studies.

We are very pleased to announce the opening of an NGH office in Melbourne. The new office, to be located in the heart of the CBD and operational by the end of the year

Meet our aquatic and marine ecology team

Let’s talk about how we can position your project for success

Beth Kramer - General Manager, Biodiversity

Beth Kramer

General Manager, Biodiversity

Adriana Uzqueda - Senior Ecologist

Adriana Uzqueda

Senior Ecologist

Shannon Goodwin - Senior Aquatic Ecologist

Shannon Goodwin

Senior Aquatic Ecologist

Request for proposal

How can we assist you, your next project and your organisation?

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