Environmental Impact Assessment

Our team of experienced environmental assessment consultants will guide your project through the Environmental Impact assessment (EIA) process ensuring regulatory compliance, timely approvals and optimal outcomes for the project and the environment.  We draw on our skilled team of in-house ecology, heritage, engagement, social and environmental management specialists to deliver a comprehensive and technically accurate environmental impact assessment report. We also have specialist Project Managers who will be dedicated to your project to ensure efficient and effective project delivery.

The type of EIA report required to support a development is generally determined by the relevant State and Commonwealth statutory requirements. EIA can also be incredibly valuable at the screening, scoping and early stages of project design to identify potential constraints and assess project feasibility against planning, environmental and social requirements.

To learn more about what your project requires, or would benefit from, reach out to our advisors. Our multi-disciplinary team includes Registered Environmental Assessment Practitioners (REAPS), Certified Environmental Practitioners and subject matter experts. Trust us to provide a thorough and reliable EIA for your project.

Environmental Impact Assessment services

Preliminary Environmental Assessments and Constraints (PEA)

The PEA process investigates the potential environmental impacts, identifies constraints and opportunities to assess the feasibility of a project at an early stage. Our team helps clients understand the environmental and regulatory requirements and triggers for their project, including planning pathway options and site constraints such as heritage, ecological, contamination and hydrological issues, using risk rankings and constraint mapping to guide decision making for each project.

Review of Environmental Factors (REF)

The REF provides a detailed impact assessment of a proposed development’s potential environmental impacts and the commitments to mitigation.  With clear outcomes from the REF to seek approval or undertake further studies, clients can make informed decisions and move forward with confidence.

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

An EIS is typically required as part of the development approval process for higher environmental impact projects, to assess the potential impacts on the environment and the community. The EIS details measures to mitigate these potential impacts, helping the community and government agencies make informed submissions or decisions on the project. Our qualified team, including REAPs, will direct you through the approval process to meet the requirements for approval of your project (SEARs NSW/Terms of reference QLD).

Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE)

Required to accompany an application for local development, the Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) is a concise and comprehensive summary of compliance with the planning legislation and building requirements for the development, the potential environmental impacts of the proposed development, as well as the measures that will be taken to manage or mitigate these impacts.

NGH REAPs deliver state significant projects in NSW

Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) in NSW for State Significant projects (Development & Infrastructure) must be certified by a Registered Environmental Assessment Practitioner (REAP) for submission to the Department of Planning & Environment (DPE).

The NSW Department of Planning and Environment introduced the Rapid Assessment Framework (RAF) to improve the efficiency, quality, and engagement standards of major state project assessments.

As part of the RAF, Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) for State Significant Development (SSD) and State Significant Infrastructure (SSI) development applications are required to be certified by a REAP.

The REAP Scheme has been developed by the Department to register qualified individuals and is delivered by third-party schemes, such as the CEnvP Scheme, which is accredited by the Department to deliver the REAP Scheme.

NGH REAPs are available to oversee and be involved in the development of EIS documents and provide quality assurance for State significant projects in NSW. REAPs will ensure that the EIS is prepared to a high standard and includes all the necessary information for the department to assess each project, helping projects move more efficiently through the planning process.

Environmental Impact Assessment

We are here to guide development to ensure it is responsive to its unique environmental and socioeconomic context.

We are here to guide development to ensure it is responsive to its unique environmental and socioeconomic context.

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

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Balancing clean energy, scenic landscapes, and sustainable agriculture through considered planning
We are very pleased to announce the opening of an NGH office in Melbourne. The new office, to be located in the heart of the CBD and operational by the end of the year
Balancing clean energy, scenic landscapes, and sustainable agriculture through considered planning

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